2023 Summer Festivals
The first stop this summer will be at the
Orford Musique Academy in Quebec.
My dates are June 11 - 23
The website is <https://www.orford.mu/en/academy/>
The second will be:
The Montecito International Music Festival in Woodland Hills just west of Los Angeles and I will be there:
June 23 - 28. <montecitomusicfestival.com>
The third will be a continuation of the John Perry Academy It will be held at the College of New Jersey, and all Steinway School located near Princeton, NJ The dates are July 2 - 15
To apply and for further details, please peruse the website:
The fourth will be the Morningside Music Bridge held at NEC in Boston <https://mmb.international/> It is a four week session and I will be there the week of
July 16 - 22.
Fifth: The Perugia Music Festival in Italy
My dates are: July 26 - August 8. This is a lovely festival with wonderful Italian cuisine, beautiful scenery, and antique architecture. One has the chance to play with orchestra. <https://www.musicfestperugia.net/>
Last: The Vancouver Piano Sessions. August 5 - 12 in Vancouver, Canada <https://vancouverpianosessions.com/>
All of these festivals have a rich representation of International Faculty, and I hope to meet you there.